Winners CaRe Award 2020
Usually, the CaRe award is being awarded during the CaRe days. However, since this event was cancelled, the winners were announced during the CaRe webinar of June 2nd. And this year, we have two winners, ex aequo!

TOP 4:
- Nina Bartelink
- Marin de Jong
- Eva van der Meij
- Rosa Geurtzen
Nominations 2020
- Nina Bartelink, Evaluating health promotion in complex adaptive school systems: The Healthy Primary School of the Future
- Marin de Jong, The PROMise of remote monitoring to improve quality of care for inflammatory bowel disease.
- Dorijn Hertroijs, Build to order: Patient profiling to tailor type 2 diabetes care
- Lisa Verberne, Management of overweight and obesity in primary healthcare
- Judith Huis in het Veld, Taking Care Together
- Erica Maurits, Autonomy of nursing staff and the attractiveness of working in home care
- Eva van der Meij, Improving postoperative recovery by eHealth
- Jan Mokkenstorm, On the road to zero suicides: Implementation studies
- Wouter Gude, Understanding and optimising electronic audit and feedback to improve quality of care
- Pauline Bollen, Pushing boundaries in global dolutegravir utilization. Clinical pharmacology studies in children and adults living with HIV
- Machteld van Egmond, Effectiveness of septoplasty in adults with nasal obstruction and a deviated septum
- Rosa Geurtzen, Prenatal counselling in extreme prematurity