Jelle Keuper works at the Nivel programme ‘Health workforce and organization studies’ as a researcher and potential PhD candidate. Currently he works i.a. on an exploration of the effects of COVID-19 for the general practices in the Netherlands.

Relevance of the study

The growing number of coronavirus infections (COVID-19) in the Netherlands since March 2020 has been accompanied by an increasing reliance on acute care. Many Dutch people with corona-related health complaints call on general practitioner (GP) care. It is expected this will put further pressure on the capacity of GP care in the very short term and, hence, access to acute and regular care can be jeopardized. With the support of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), Nivel maps the current burden on GPs, explores which support is needed and investigates the expectations with regard to deferred care.

Research design

For this study, a questionnaire on these topics was sent to almost all 4,900 Dutch GP practices by e-mail. This was supported by two Dutch GP organizations (e.g. the LHV and the NHG). We asked the GP practices to complete a short web survey, consisting of ten closed and open-ended questions. After the survey was closed, the answers were categorized to analyze the different types of needs and expectations according to region and type of practice. In this way, valuable information can be provided which can serve as input for region-specific and target group-oriented policy and tailor-made support.

Expected results

This study will provide insights into the current needs and deferred consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for GPs and GP care. In addition, we provide targeted information about where support is needed and especially what support is needed. After we have analyzed the results, factsheets and a report will be written which will be shared with GPs, GP practices and GP organizations.

For more COVID-19 related Nivel projects please visit:

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